SKY ENGINE Announce Their Series-A Raise

26th January 2024

Our latest portfolio company, SKY ENGINE AI managed by General Partner – Investments, Simon Andrews, publicly announced their Series A fundraise this month, the raise received some strong media coverage appearing on TechEU’s artificial intelligence channel.


As a reminder, Sky Engine AI revolutionises the expensive and time-consuming challenges of data accessibility, quality and quantity for computer vision models. Sky Engine AI’s pioneering simulation and deep learning platform empowers AI developers, enabling them to easily and quickly scale computer vision projects.

SKY ENGINE AI’s technology enables creation of smarter and more accurate AI models, and offers improved project economics, without requiring developers to leave their desks to gather relevant data. By 2024, Gartner predicts 60% of data used for these projects will be synthetic – rising to 95% by 2030.

Dr Bartek Włodarczyk, CEO and Founder of SKY ENGINE AI explains, “Synthetic data is bringing so much immediate value in the real world. SKY ENGINE AI’s mission is to augment deep learning teams to create AI models that generalise better against unknown real-world data and with reduced algorithmic biases”.


Read more about the Series A raise on Tech EU here, and in case you missed it read our previous interview with the company here.

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