Trint Wins £300,000 Grant!

5th April 2024

Trint, the AI-powered software business which transcribes video and audio files to text, are delighted to announce they have won a £300,000 grant from the UK government to support the building of MLTT Live (Live multilingual transcription and translation)!

Trint applied for the grant in January 2024 with Innovate UK, the UK government agency that supports business-led innovation.

The process began just before Christmas, working with Grantify, an agency that helps companies write grants. While most of the company was on holiday in late December and early January, a small team were toiling away on obscure questions about AI, workflows and market opportunities. The hard work paid off with the fabulous news that Trint had won the grant of £300,000 over 12 months.


The financial support means Trint can accelerate their innovation roadmap and build a product that is truly distinct and world-beating.

Congratulations Trint!

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